Saturday, August 25, 2007

Wrap 'n Up

Bwana Asifiwe. Praise God. I returned home safe and sound from my trip to Africa. I will attempt to share with you my experience.

The Ministry

The main desire of the ministry is to reach the streets of Nakuru, Kenya. This is accomplished three part-fold. There is the primary school, the rescue center and the town office.

Primary School

The primary school serves 200 students formerly suffering street children or victims of poor family life. The school while called a Children’s Home acts as a boarding school. Students attend classes three months on and one month off. During this month, students return to their family/ guardian. Upon acceptance into the school, the faculty conducts a background check on all students, finding a guardian for them whether it be parent, brother, sister, uncle, grandparent, etc. The intent is not to withhold them from their culture but to install good habits, preparing them to survive in the world they live in.

Rescue Center

The rescue center serves street children transitioning from the streets to a structure. The center provides the boys with educational lessons until they prove themselves ready. Recently, the Rohi board decided to convert the rescue center into a vocational training center. This allows older boys to learn a skill worthy of employment. The main desire of this ministry is break bad habits, instill good habits, and then put them into their old environment ready to succeed.

Town Office

The town office takes cases for those on the streets daily. They give out anything from food to clothes to finding medicine. The main outreach involves Sunday street church. The church is in a local park. There those living on the streets gather to hear the gospel and then get fed. Many people from the Sunday church show up at the town office.

My Ministry

The ministry I served was the primary school. There I taught the P.E. lessons and executed various tasks for the faculty. P.E. lessons may have been the most challenging part but also the most enjoyable. A 25:1 ratio is difficult but a 70:1 is absolute chaos. I also helped plan an Olympic event for the kids.

Toward the end of my stay, I went to the Pokot tribe and showed the Jesus film. They listened receptively and many kids dedicated their life to Christ. Pray that pastors in the area can disciple them.

On a personal level God taught me the importance of prayer. This ministry wouldn’t grown were it not for prayer. They meet everyday at 11am and Tuesday nights for prayer. It is an important part of their lives and God has blessed them.

Thank you for your support and prayers. They were heard and appreciated. Let God do the work. Just faithfully come before him.

Daniel Hudson

Monday, August 13, 2007

Sawa Sawa

James Lupui he ran away from the school before I got there and returned maybe 4 weeks after I arrived. In this kid I saw the most visible impact I had. Why? soccer. Sports cross boundaries that otherwise are difficult to break.

This picture just makes me feel good.
I had a good time

Woah yeah this Paul the best high jumper in the school

The Return to the Motherland

Now I actually can upload at a decent speed so I will be posting pictures. There are several thousand picture thus I will only post selected pictures.

These boys to the right are Patrick and Samuel. Class 7 and 8 respectively. They rule the ping pong table.

Elijah, Daniel, Charles all Class 8 students. Daniel is the headboy which means he is next in command after the faculty

baboon and baby baboon

This the cook who went of the "bush" mission with us. She gave us the biggest portions ever. It was the most I have ever eaten in my life. That is saying something. I also posted this picture because she rarely ever smiles.

This is one of the villages in the bush. This is downtown chepcolacea

Me, josphat and cliff

The class 3 soccer team (minus a few) but they took an awesome class photo. The class shots are rare but I have many other photos that look like school photos.

Monday, August 6, 2007

This is Africa

Next time I add posts the plan is to be home and may more stories and pictures will be shared. Now it is time to play some volleyball.

The Bush

Give me time to process the information so I can say something intellegent about it.

We showed the Jesus film Friday and Saturday night and the people there were very responsive.

Today is my last day with the kids and actually some of them have already left. On thursday night the school gathered for one final worship meeting. The kids were on fire with lots of energy. It will probably be one of the best memories of my life. We danced and danced and danced to the heavens. Make no mistake, I can move. The kids loved it. I take it not too make white people dance. I seriously thought I was in heaven. You had to be there.